You're taking all the actions. You're creating content on social media.

Not to mention all the competition around at the moment.

No matter what action you take you feel stuck, nothing is changing, income or client numbers aren't increasing. 

You aren't alone. 

The last 24 years I've been in the fitness industry and even after everything that has gone on in the world my clients have increased their income and fast. 

Just in the last few weeks I've had a client open a brand new studio and had 36 new clients in 2 weeks + 58 for her new challenge. 

Another had 17 new clients + so many more...

Sometimes we just need someone who knows exactly what's working to guide us, instead of flying blind and using the trial and error approach hoping that something will change. 

This brand new game changing 28 days challenge for health and fitness businesses is designed to help you step by step increase your income, ignite that passion again and get back on track without spending any $ on advertising. 

I've broken the challenge down into weekly workshops to take you step by step so you can increase your income and know exactly what actions you need to take without getting overwhelmed. 

Have a question? It will be answered in our weekly Q&A calls. Super easy, just send your question through and I will answer it for you, the session is recorded so you can listen to when suits you. 

Here's What's Included

Weekly Workshops

Weekly Q&A



In the next 28 days I cover what's working right now for fitness businesses to have $10k, $30k, $50k, $70k+ consistent months and what you can do to increase your income. 

Plus you will get a a personalised plan where at the end of the 28 days, I will tell you exactly what you need to do next and what makes the most sense based on where you are in your fitness business.

Strategies + Templates

Personalised Plan

Everyday you will receive a new tip, strategy, motivation or inspirational email to help keep you moving forward and on track to increasing your income. 

Daily Tips + Actions





"Never in my wildest dreams did I think I could crack $100k in this town! I'm so excited, thank you!!"

"Think Katie's work is just for women? Think again. I'm a man (obviously), and my business tripled, too!"


Made six figures:


Let's get started!

Register and get my Ultimate Planner + 30 Day Wealth Woman Journal.


Know what's working now to grow fitness businesses around the world so you can take the guess work out.

Have a clear actionable plan in place to increase your income.

By the end you will...


This 28 day challenge is the only one of its kind...

i wanted to create something different that no one else offers

You're passionate about your business + helping people and recently times have been challenging and right now competition is high.

I wanted to create a powerful yet simple 28 day sprint to help you get back on track fast and increase your income thats affordable for absolutely everyone. 

You get my 24 years fitness business experience + helping women in fitness all around the world go from $0 to $10k, $20k, $40k, $50k, $80k+ months. 

Of course there is only so much I can share in 28 days, we all know growing a successful business takes time but I know whats working right now so it takes the guess work out of it for you and you get wins now. 




Follow a proven roadmap

This      for you if:

Want to increase your income

You haven't started your business

YOu ARE IN THe health & fitness INDUSTRY

have zero clients 

you're ready to grow your business

It's probably       for you if...




It's probably
for you if...

Is it really only $99 for 28 days?

Yes, I wanted to make it accessible for everyone because I know what it's like when things are tough and to have support like this is invalubale.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this for?

For any online or face to face health or fitness business who already has clients.

What income results can I expect?

Everyone is different. If you take action on what I share you will increase your income. All of my clients do. You can check them out on the results page.

When can I start?

As soon as you register you get access immediately. 

How long do I have access for?

You have access to the coaching for 28 days and lifetime access to the content.

What type of coaching is it?

It's Q&A, send your question through prior to the session and I will personally answer it. 

shoot me a MESSAGE

I completely understand. Every dollar invested in your business is an important one! Any questions send me a PM. 

Have a question?