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$3k per Week for 6 Hours Of Group Fitness

May 8, 2018

Owning a fitness business is supposed to be fun to give you that freedom, income, and lifestyle right? or….NO? Many trainers feel like they are always working harder than everyone else for very little return because you are doing absolutely everything. From lead generation, sales, admin, training, money stuff and everything else that goes with […]

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I help women in fitness attract dream clients, make more money and live their dream life. 


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Owning a fitness business is supposed to be fun to give you that freedom, income, and lifestyle right?


Many trainers feel like they are always working harder than everyone else for very little return because you are doing absolutely everything.

From lead generation, sales, admin, training, money stuff and everything else that goes with running a business.

Totally get that – I’ve been in the exact same situation.

So let’s start with marketing and lead generation.

Always remember this….

Sales fixes everything.

18 years ago when I started in the fitness industry that was all I focused on.

Marketing, lead generation and of course client care.

I was the person out there meeting new people, dropping fliers off that I printed off my home printer, connecting with local businesses, drumming up referrals and chatting to the newspaper lady.

Because I was so focused on building my business (there was studio rent to pay AND I had to cover personal expenses with 2 children) that’s what happened.

It was before social media days but everything was focused on increasing my memberships.

That resulted in $3k per week running 6 classes.

Lots of time for freedom and doing the things I loved.

You can check out my case study here of how I did that.

I’ve tested every marketing and lead generation strategy and have narrowed it down to proven simple systems that work and most of these strategies cost $0.

You name the program I probably have it and have done it.

Having played this game for 18 years, had multiple businesses myself and helped 100’s fitness businesses worldwide I totally understand what it takes to increase leads and income very easily.

I know it works because every day one of my clients will message me or post in my client group their wins.

I make it so simple to understand because I know how overwhelming it can be. 

BUT….it doesn’t happen overnight.

Each Friday I ask my clients what they have achieved for the week, there is always a full feed full of comments this is what they said:












































What you will notice are small consistent wins each week add up to a fitness business that is profitable and sustainable that does give you the chance to take time out to do the things you love, go on holidays and be there for your children.

There is no need to compare yourself with other trainers, you are good enough!

Kellie x

When you are ready here are a few ways I can help you build a profitable fitness business ==>

1. Join other like-minded women in fitness across the world who are also growing their business.

It’s our Facebook community where you learn to increase your income and work fewer hours so you can have time to do the things you love. Click here

2. Join my implementation program where I help fitness businesses reach a minimum of $10k+ per month

We kick off a new round soon and applications are open. If you would like to work with me on your increasing income with proven strategies and systems you can direct message me here.

3. Work with me and my team privately

If you are already at $10k per month and want to increase that to $20k/$30k/$40k/$50k per month then pop your name on the waiting list. Message me here and let me know you would like to work privately, tell me a little about your business and what you and you would like to work on together, I’ll get you all the details.

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You get to take my 25+ years of practical fitness business experience and implement into your business so that you can increase your impact and income with ease and flow.

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How To Generate $3k+ Each Week In Your Group Fitness Business.

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