Winter has not stopped my clients from getting brilliant results, with many of them hitting record months.
Reaching goals such as $5000, $10 000, $20 000 and even $50 000 months!
Here are the top 10 things that are working for them right now:
1. Referrals – having an ongoing system for all new clients PLUS running regular competitions during the year. Referrals account for at least 50% of your leads so it’s important that you have these systems in place.
2. Being consistent with marketing, no more stop starting cause guess what will happen to your leads? It’s time to stop the feast and famine cycle.
3. Ensuring you are around people who actually get it, people who support, hold you accountable and encourage your growth. Let’s be honest, no one has ever become successful by themselves and it’s fast tracks your success – who doesn’t want that?
4. Mindset plays a bigger role than people actually realise. Eliminating the beliefs that are holding you back from achieving and dreaming big, this is a daily action they are implementing. If you had no blocks then you would have everything you want right now.
5. Going online is helping trainers increase their income and leverage what they do so they can take holidays more often.
6. Knowing your target market inside and out is crucial to market effectively. Allows you to speak their language so that when they read your marketing they automatically feel connected to you because you know what is going through their head. DON’T get caught up in the I’ help everyone’ space. Revisit your ideal client every few months to keep refining as this helps you become the #1 go to person in your local area.
7. Simple things such as having a A-frame out the front of your business or group fitness session generates leads easily (make sure you get council approval).
8. Facebook is working really well and by that I mean both organic and ads. Last week one of my clients had 23 leads from ONE organic Facebook post, another had 7 enquires in ONE day from an organic post. As for ads, one of my clients has had over 50 enquires in just 6 weeks from one ad.
9. Running 8 or 12 week challenges to help people kick start their health and fitness journey works well at getting people great results and educating them on the importance of a lifestyle change.
10. When you get really clear on what it is you really want then magical things happen, you actually do achieve it.
Want to know the steps on how to do this? Register for my workshop next week where I take you step by step on how to make this happen for your fitness business.
Register for FREE here.
To big results!
Kellie x
Love this Kellie. I am ready to take my hobby to the next level. I have a fitness biz focused on mums. I would be interested in investing later in the year with your courses.
Kind Regards,