Fitness Business Basics

Biggest Mistakes I See With Facebook

November 6, 2016

Have you been trying to promote your fitness business on Facebook with little or no return? You maybe even wondering why nobody is taking you up on your offers? Chances are you are going about it the wrong way. Marketing on Facebook is not just about getting clients. It’s about building relationships and establishing your […]

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Have you been trying to promote your fitness business on Facebook with little or no return?

You maybe even wondering why nobody is taking you up on your offers?

Chances are you are going about it the wrong way.

Marketing on Facebook is not just about getting clients. It’s about building relationships and establishing your credibility as an expert.

ALL of my clients get leads from Facebook every single week.

DO NOT overlook Facebook, Facebook Ads and social media. 1 out of every 7 people on the planet is on Facebook. Studies show that MOST of the buying purchases being done right now are in some way connected to Facebook or InstaGram.

So here are some reasons as to why you are not getting the results you want.

You Are Not Consistent With Your Posting

This is a discipline to ensure you have regular content going out.

Posting at least 3+ times per day is great.

People will not get sick of seeing your posts and unlike you (if they do then that’s fine as your message won’t appeal to everyone). Keep in mind not everyone is going to see every post.

I hear lots of comments such as:

“I’m worried I’ll come across as spammy.”
“If I do that they will unlike my page.”
“I don’t want to be pushy with my business.”
“If I charge friends full price, they’ll be upset with me.”
The list goes on, I’ve heard all the fears.

Women are scared to seem pushy and be who they really are.

It’s your brain lying to you and stopping you from success.

STOP, it’s not serving you, or your helping your business.

It’s keeping you STUCK where you are.

Not growing, not changing.

Something needs to change if you want your fitness business to change.

Afraid of putting yourself out there

I have had many conversions with clients who are hesitant of completely putting themselves out there on social media for fear of judgement and the comments they may receive.

You can’t let that hold you back.

Doesn’t matter what you stand for there will always be people who disagree.

At the end of the day that’s their issue and it’s a simple case of not standing for any of that nonsense by deleting the comments and banning them.

Never let that hold you back from sharing your gift with the world.

Not tapping into your target market and giving them the information they want and need!

This is one of the biggest challenges personal trainers have.

They are not completely clear WHO it is that they are wanting to serve. I have not yet met anyone who has exact clarity on their ideal client.  I can pretty much guarantee that is something you also need to work on. What is their most pressing challenge?  What keeps them awake at night? What age are they? Male/Female?

What DO they want?

When you know this information the marketing and your message becomes so much easier.

When you know this information you know what they want so give it to them.

Do they want recipes, motivation, tips, exercise options, videos, worksheet downloads…the list is endless. But you can only know what they want when you know who it is that you serve.

Not building relationships

I know sometimes it’s challenging especially for the introverts to put yourself out there, especially to people you don’t know buy it all starts with relationships!

Don’t look at them as potential leads, instead make friends and build those relationships.

Show a genuine interest in them by replying to their comments and being there for them to answer any questions they may have.

Coming across as desperate

If you start posting everyday that you only have limited spots then its going to come across as fake, desperate and inauthentic. People are very clever and can pick up when you are being dodgy.

It always pays to be true and authentic. That will serve you and your business so much faster than you can imagine.

Remember all of this takes time. You can’t expect to implement this for a week and generate a ton of leads. It takes time and consistency but when done right you will see results within 30 days.

I saw a post the other day by someone asking ‘Why aren’t I getting any leads from my Facebook posts?’ When I looked at her page she wasn’t putting offers out there.

If you have a valuable offer then you need to share that so people know how they can get started with you.

Now it’s your turn to make an impact.

I believe in you.

Kellie x

PS. Want to turn your likes into leads?

If you are confused at how to use Facebook to grow your business and just want someone to tell you what to do and when, then this is for you.

Monday 14th November you get to work with me for 14 days where I take you step by step through what you need to post and when on Facebook to get more clients coming into your fitness business.

Here is what you will learn over the 14 days:

  • Gain clarity as to what you want so you can achieve your goals so much quicker
  • How to identify WHO your ideal clients is so you can attract more of them into your fitness business.
  • How to speak your ideal clients language so they read your marketing and go YES!! I must train with them.
  • How to understand who is currently following you, what times they check you out and their favourite posts so you can do more of it!
  • How to build your following daily
  • The difference between business pages vs personal pages vs private groups and what you MUST have in your business
  • What, when and how much to post on Facebook for the best response.
  • How to get your clients to help you build your business via Facebook
  • The strategies for converting likes to leads organically without spending a cent!
  • How to set up a simple Facebook ad to increase your brand awareness and income!
  • Learn how ads manager works and when you should continue with or stop an ad.

Here are all the details ==> 

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