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Biggest Lessons

January 11, 2017

As you look back on 2016 if you could give it a number what would you rate it out of 10? 1 meaning really crappy and 10 meaning THE best year ever. Don’t over think it, whats the first number that pops into your head? Moving forward it’s important to acknowledge what needs improving to get the results […]

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As you look back on 2016 if you could give it a number what would you rate it out of 10?

1 meaning really crappy and 10 meaning THE best year ever.

Don’t over think it, whats the first number that pops into your head?

Moving forward it’s important to acknowledge what needs improving to get the results you want.

To finally not have to worry about money ever again.

To get that freedom you really want.

What do you need to do differently in 2017?

Here are some of the lessons I have learnt in 2016 which I was inspired to write in Bali (amazing sunset above with no filter!).

:: Ask for help, no-one EVER got to where they are alone and you can spend ages going around in circles trying to work it out yourself or you can be smart and fast track with help.

:: Daily disciplines make a massive difference!!

:: If people aren’t buying it’s because you aren’t letting them know what you have to offer. Never presume they know because they rarely go searching it out.

:: Be true to you.  The people that matter don’t mind and the people who don’t matter mind. Always speak with truth, show what you stand for and don’t let anyone else tell you different.

:: Your business, your rules.

:: It’s ok to check out and take time to do the things you love. The more self care and love you allow yourself the more you can give in your business and personal life. Make it a priority.

:: Spend time daily to listen. We get so caught up in doing, action and being reactive. When we stop and listen the answers are within.

:: The same actions, thoughts, beliefs that got you to where you are now won’t get you to the next level.

:: Allow it to be easy and get out of your own way.

:: What would I do be/do/have if I have $1 million sitting in my account – when I got clear on that shit significantly shifted.

:: When you upgrade you life you don’t accept anything less. I love the way it feels staying in 5 star hotels. I love the perks that comes with flying business class, I love driving my car AND its not all about the material things its the person you become to reach that level.

:: Surround yourself with the best people possible. Massive difference to how quickly you reach your goals.

:: Always declutter and make space for new to enter.

:: Clearer you become on what you want the faster you achieve it.

:: If you want clients to invest in you then you need to invest in yourself. If you want your clients to show up then you need to show up. If you want clients to do the work and take action then you need to do the work and take action. Everything that is showing up now is a reflection of your inner self. Confronting hey!

Here’s to a brilliant 2017.

Kellie x

PS. Decided this is your year and you had enough playing small? It’s time to get consistent income each and every month.

If you are wanting to learn the strategies (including mindset) to reach your income goal faster and hang with other women who actually get it, I am now accepting applications for the brand new 2017 Women in Fitness Mastermind.

Last year here is a snippet of what was achieved:

  • A mum hit $10 000+ months in her group fitness business in winter, that increases every month.
  • Achieved income goal of $6000 per week consistently.
  • $100 000 total income in 8 months after being in business for only 8 months
  • $50 000 months and has a team looking after the business so they can focus on doing the things they love.
  • Sold 10 online programs in less than 1 week of going live.
  • Doubled their fitness business from $120 000 to over $250 000 working less hours.
  • Doubled monthly income after working with me for 4 weeks. 
  • Created an online fitness business and now makes money in her sleep. 

No more doing it alone.

Send me an email l and tell me about where you are at now in your fitness business and what you want in 2017.

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