Fitness Marketing

9 Daily Actions You Need To Be Doing

February 16, 2017

Phew, it’s been a crazy start to the year! How has it been for you lovely? The last few weeks I have moved house, spent a week with no house whilst the new one was ready, lots of travel with events, had kids home on school holidays PLUS I was booked out with clients and new ladies starting. […]

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Phew, it’s been a crazy start to the year!

How has it been for you lovely?

The last few weeks I have moved house, spent a week with no house whilst the new one was ready, lots of travel with events, had kids home on school holidays PLUS I was booked out with clients and new ladies starting.

The great thing is that it’s been peak season for the fitness industry and there are so many stories of great results already achieved.

– 520 attendance for group fitness
– Already hit income goal she set for the year!
– 80 leads in 14 days
– 23 leads in 13 days
– Hit monthly targets
– Income of $10k+ all through to $50k+

Why do these ladies get such massive results and we are only 7 weeks into 2017?

They are clear on what they want and commit to making it happen.

They understand that success is a habit.

Success comes from what you do every single day on repeat.

Success comes from knowing exactly what you want.

Success comes from knowing the ideal client you want to help.

Success comes from understanding it’s not just about the strategy, it’s 80/90% of your mindset.

Success comes from understanding that when you do the inner work your external world will reflect that.

Success is a HABIT.

It’s what you do on a daily basis that determines your future.

Here are 9 actions you can do daily if you want to be that success. 

1. Show up daily – visibility is crucial, show up everyday and share loads of value and let people know what you are offering and how you can help them.

2.  Commit to learning – always be learning. Read, listen to podcasts, attend events, work with a mentor. Do what ever you need to do to ensure you are being the best you can be.

3. Treat your mindset as #1 asset – do something to improve your mindset EVERY SINGLE DAY! Journalling, meditation, affirmations, visualising or reading mindset books. Improve your mind and you will improve your life.

4. Surround yourself with the right people – words can’t describe just how powerful hanging around the right people will have on your life. Ladies tell me all of the time how much they love my Women in Fitness Business FB group plus my client mastermind community. This journey can at times be isolating so to have a group of ladies on the same page is extremely valuable.

5. Pay attention to money – no more burying your head in the sand. Face your money facts and do what is necessary to move forward. I did this many years ago and it freed me up on so many different levels.

6. First things first – start you day with the actions that will put you on the path to success such as mindset, money work, content and value.

7. Align with what makes you happy and trust – if something feels bad then it probably is. Always do what makes your heart sing and if it’s a HELL YES then you can’t go wrong. Do what feels right for you.

8. Stay in your own lane – hearing way to many stories lately about people copying other fitness businesses. STOP! Stop comparing yourself to others.  Do it your way, not theirs.

9. Consistency in everything you do – success doesn’t’ happen overnight. It’s about these habits repeated daily.

Are you willing to commit and do what it takes daily?

You can be, do and have absolutely everything that you want.

Much love,

Kellie x

PS. If you want:

A place that you connect with other women in fitness just like you
A place where other women also have big goals and dreams
A place where you are supported and held accountable
A place where other women are committed to massive success
A place where I show you how you can easily combine mindset PLUS proven strategies to grow your fitness business faster and easier then I would LOVE to help you.

If you are thinking HELL YES this is exactly what I need then email me and let me know.

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