This week I shared a case study of a lady that went from $200 per week to over $8k+ per month in less than 6 months.
She is now on track to hit $10k in her group fitness business.
Lots of fitness business owners look at that figure and dream of having that amount coming in.
When I ask women in fitness why they want to grow their business and what it means to reach their goal a common response is…
‘I want to be able to say YES when my children ask for something at the shops.
‘I want to go shopping and not have to worry about money’
‘I want to be able to go away on holidays’
One of my other clients told me the exact same thing to me in October last year.
This client also sent me a message yesterday sharing what is sitting in her account right now.
$56 115.72.
This is possible for you if you allow it.
So what it takes to generate $10k+ consistently per month…
1. You have to have 100% clarity on what you want to achieve.
2. You will have to assess your current business model.
3. You will need to look at your current pricing structure.
4. You will need to be in alignment.
5. You will have to add more value than any other fitness business.
6. You have to be passionate about what you do.
7. You will have to be ok with making mistakes, learn lots of lessons and invest in yourself.
8. You have to know your ideal client better than they know themselves and communicate that in your marketing.
9. You’ll have to take lots of action initially to build the right foundations.
10. You will need to work on your mindset daily.
11. You will need to be visible.
12. You will need to understand your identity shapes your reality.
13. You will need a new way of thinking, because what got you to this level won’t necessarily get you to the next.
Kellie x
PS. Want to fast track that $10k? Then register here to see what is possible in your fitness business.
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