Do you find you start your week off jumping into sessions and not having any real clarity as to want you want to achieve that week?
You get caught up in checking Facebook, rechecking emails and focusing on the not important stuff that won’t grow your business.
Maybe it’s because you are overwhelmed at what you need to do to grow your business or is it because you don’t know how or why you should set your week up.
First it’s important to note that don’t get caught up in working more hours for the sake of it. If I have ticked off all the items then that is it for me! I take time out.
Lots of ladies I talk to have a belief that if they are not doing the hours then they are net going to get the results.
Not necessarily true.
By focusing on the actions that will get you the biggest results is what will grow your business.
Focusing on just doing stuff to fill in the time will not get you the results.
Every Sunday or Monday morning I get my Passion Planner and schedule the week. I have tried a ton of diaries and this is by far my favourite.
Clients, webinars and home stuff gets scheduled first and everything else goes around that.
Then I ask myself ‘What is the #1 thing that is going to move my business forward and closer to my goal?’
I have a mentor so this makes it easy for me to answer as I have accountability and direction as to what needs to happen, long gone is the overwhelm.
That #1 action then gets broken down into steps.
Those steps then get plugged into my days. I don’t work weekends.
Now there are some days that I don’t schedule any to do’s as it’s a full day with trainings and clients. And that’s ok.
I dedicate Monday’s to catching up on weekend emails, setting up the week with scheduling social media posts, blogs, planning training sessions, mapping out workshops, strategies for clients and time for learning something new.
Tuesday and Wednesday is dedicated to clients.
Thursday are my training days where I run webinars and other trainings. There is also space dedicated to people who reach out and want to chat about how to grow their business.
Friday’s are my free days meaning free to pop appointments in, work on the business or just take time out.
On top of that every morning weekday and weekends I do my mindset work for about 30 minutes.
Mindset work has had THE biggest impact on my business. Absolutely crucial and the first thing I do everyday.
No right or wrong how you set your week up, this works for me.
You need to find what works for you.
Are you planning your weeks?
If not I would love for you to give this a go for 30 days and see the difference it makes to your productivity and results.
Let me know how you go!
Kellie x
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