Everyday I help build fitness businesses to over 6 figures and continue to help my clients hit $10k, $20k, $50k each and every month and I LOVE IT!!
You could say I have a pretty good understanding of what’s working right now and how you can make it happen happen fast.
NOW is the time to play hard so you don’t stress about clients going on holidays and your income decreasing.
Someone asked me the other day, if I was to start another fitness business what would I do?
Here is exactly the steps:
1. Determine who my ideal client is and focus on them. When you are a specialist for a particular niche and can’t be compared with anyone else then you will never compete on price.
I see lots of fitness businesses advertising the same stuff and using the same words. No wonder you aren’t getting leads. Why are you different from anyone else? What solution do you solve?
2. Get myself out of the way from achieving success, immerse myself in mindset, go through limiting blocks, stop the inner chatter and focus on what I do want to achieve and do that DAILY.
3. Set up referral systems from day one, you have so many people right now you could connect with and generate more leads. My business was 80% referrals, makes your job easier because your clients do the work for you.
4. Be consistently visible on social media and show case the sessions and the results I am helping my ideal client achieve.
5. Run Facebook ads to increase brand awareness to the local area. People need to know you exist.
6. Action my butt off and just know that I can achieve that goal.
Simple, easy to do easy not do!
Let me know how you go,
Kellie x
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