A lot can happen in a year.
You can train for a marathon. You can drop a few sizes. You can move house. Have a baby, start a business. Ditch a bad habit. Take up a good one.
The possibilities are endless. But you know what…
The opposite is also true. Very little can happen in a year if you limit yourself.
What could YOU do in that amount of time?
I’ll tell you: just about anything you want.
$10k months are a common amount that I hear everyday.
It’s easier than you think to make $10k months YOUR reality.
Let’s look at how you make that happen:
1. Foundation and the structure of your business must be able to sustain your growth.
Meaning if you are focusing on 1:1 training alone then $10k months will burn you out and fast.
When you have the right structure you can grow because you don’t trade time for money and you can work less and make more so you can do more of the things you love.
When you have the right systems and marketing you can have leads and clients flowing through consistently.
2. Keep it simple:
If you have too many options or programs then you will find it hard to gain traction.
Your attention is diverted.
If you chase two rabbits you catch none.
3. Get out of your own way:
99% of the time we are in our own way.
We think thoughts that don’t support or align with our desires.
We believe that bad things will happen.
We worry and stress about the future.
This doesn’t help you at all.
It’s your reaction now that is creating your future.
This is one of the biggest reasons why you feel stuck.
As long as you keep repeating the same patterns, you will keep creating the same things in your life.
Only you can break this pattern. The past is not here anymore.
Drop the old ways and choose to create something new.
4. Stepping Into That Next Level YOU!
“Now that I receive $10,000 by _____, I feel____, I believe_____ and I take aligned action on______”
What comes up for you?
Great, start with that.
Stop over complicating your income goal.
Doesn’t matter whether it’s $10,000 or $1,000,000 it’s not a big deal.
Drop the worry and stress, it doesn’t serve you, it just creates more worry and stress.
Much love,
Kellie x
When you are ready here are a few ways I can help you –
1. Join other like-minded women in fitness across the world who are also growing their business.
It’s our Facebook community where you learn to increase your income and work fewer hours so you can have time to do the things you love. Click here
2. Join my implementation program where I help fitness businesses to add an extra $10k+ per month
We kick off a new round soon and applications are open. If you would like to work with me on your increasing income with proven strategies and systems you can pop your details here.
3. Work with me and my team privately
If you are already at $10k per month and want to increase that to $20k/$30k/$40k/$50k. Message me here and let me know you would like to work privately, tell me a little about your business and what you and you would like to work on together, I’ll get you all the details.
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